Saturday, May 10, 2008

Madonna, Kylie, Caves and Me on TV

I imagine it's rare that being interviewed on television isn't the highlight of your week. But I have to say that photographing Madonna giving a private concert (tickets were not available to the public) at a small concert hall here was quite a buzz.

The event itself had the ambiance of something special - hordes of people outside Olympia Hall, celebrities in the crowd (Lenny Kravitz for one) and excitement that even spilled out to the nearby cafes, where signs welcoming Madonna were posted everywhere. Whatever you may think about her music, it's hard to find anyone who is better at putting on a show and knowing how to entertain. She is to the stage what Jack Nicholson is to the screen; they may not be the best but you're compelled to watch them when they're on.

To see more of my Madonna images, CLICK HERE.

And of all things, that same night Kylie Minogue started her new European tour in Paris.

Kylie is huge here so I shot her concert and then whisked across the city in a taxi in time for the Madonna show.

Later in the week I went to help my historian friend photograph some 14th century caves located in Village Saint Paul in the Marais.

These caves have been meticulously preserved and are today a private restaurant that can be booked for groups of 10 or more. I used to live right next door to these caves and never knew they existed. To see more about them, CLICK HERE. (click on the American/British flag for English)

Finally, a French TV journalist that is friends with my brother came by to interview me on the subject of the crumbling US dollar. The angle was that everyone knows it's tough for tourists, but how about for those who live in France and spend euros but get paid in US dollars. It's rare that I'm on the other side of the camera but it was pretty fun, especially because I did the interview in French and with my accent surely entertained the viewing public here. See the new story here:

Some photos of the week:

Hailing a taxi

Headless accordion player on Ile Saint Louis

Two special videos of the week ...

This guy's accent in English HAS to be worse than mine in French.

No idea how to title this ...

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