Sunday, April 13, 2008

Olympic Torch, Marseilles and finally Paris

The big news of this last week in Paris was the chaos related to the Olympic torch coming through the city. I was in city hall, with large groups of pro- and anti-China demonstrators outside,

waiting to take official photos of the planned ceremony that was scheduled but at the last minute, Chinese officials didn't allow the torch to stop there. Rumor has it that it was because the mayor of Paris put a pretty mild protest banner on city hall that read "Paris defends human rights everywhere in the world."

It was a pretty chaotic day, with the highlight being a demonstration by Reporters Without Borders that included unfurling a banner on Notre Dame with the Olympic rings portrayed as handcuffs.

Spent a few days down in Marseilles finishing up my project with the Port of Long Beach. It was my first time in this city which I found quite nice but with a bit more of an edge than most French cities.

Showed a couple of friends around Paris. It was quite nice re-connecting with some parts of Paris that I hadn't been to in a few months.

A few photos of the week:

A French supporter of Tibet

Geese (I think) doing a Notre Dame fly by

Free Wifi zone sign in the Place des Vosges

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